Impressum | Haftungsausschluss
Nature conservation and characteristic landscape

The integration of trees in agricultural areas can have positive effects on the natural balance and the landscape characteristic under different circumstances. In the Landscape Management part of the project researches effects of agroforestry systems on nature and landscape, and how they have to be structured to contribute a maximum enhancement. One major research focus of the Landscape Management part of the project was to asses the biotope qualities of modern agroforestry systems focusing on the ecological enhancement of agricultural landscapes and a contribution to biotope connectivity. Expert surveys were used for more detailed estimations of the bird and butterfly composition and shift in composition. Another part was to evaluate the landscape aesthetics of the planed systems. Experts were iinterviewed to estimate the effect on humans and their acceptance of these unfamiliar structures. Photo assemblies were made within the project to demonstrate the optical effects.

Collaborator: Dipl.-Forstwirtin Tatjana Reeg, Institut für Landespflege